The Defenders’ New Villain??

It’s no secret that Marvel is killing it  on the big screen these days. It’s also no secret that the gritty, street level hero world that has been established by Netflix may be offering some of the best Marvel content, especially when it comes to their villains.

The Kingpin, The Purple Man, Elektra, The Punisher. The character arcs development has made you understand and grow to care for these villains, even though they are legitimately terrifying. While Elektra and Punisher may not technically be villains, they walk the fine line and truly serve as antagonists to our heroes.

So what kind of threat would require not only one, but four heroes to work together? What kind of threat would require Daredevil’s agility and fighting style, Jessica Jones’ street smarts and Luke Cage’s impenetrability, or Iron Fists magical powers? What kind of villain could bring together The Defenders?

Well, according to a rumour from Screen Geek, we may be seeing one of Marvel’s greatest villains of all time: Mephisto.

Although most of this Netflix universe has been fought at a street level, they have slowly been building up to more and more super natural forces, and with Luke Cage and Iron Fist establishing their stories before The Defenders team up, it doesn’t seem too far fetched to be fighting a powerful demon.

I can see the fight card now! The Devil of Hells Kitchen (and friends) vs The Devil. It seems pretty fitting, actually.

What do you guys think? Does this rumour hold weight? Or is it just more speculation. I think either way, this opens the door to a lot of other bad ass Marvel characters that need to see the screen, like Moon Knight and Ghost Rider!



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